Date of Event: 23-24 May 2016

Event Holder: IISD


The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is organising the summit, which aims to set a new agenda for global humanitarian action, focusing on humanitarian effectiveness, reducing vulnerability and managing risk, transformation through innovation, and serving the needs of people in conflict. The summit, the first UN conference of its kind, will bring together the humanitarian community with other actors from the development, peace-building and peacekeeping spheres to work toward a coherent approach in the way humanitarian aid is delivered. Heads of State and Government, and representatives of civil society, the private sector, crisis-affected communities and multilateral organisations will attend the Summit. Preparations are taking place via one global and seven regional meetings, online consultations, and a September 2015 thematic meeting in Berlin, Germany. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is establishing a High-level Panel on Humanitarian Financing to provide recommendations that will help to frame the Summit discussions.

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