Burglary” means gaining unauthorised access to a part of a building/dwelling or other premises, including by use of force, with the intent to steal goods (breaking and entering). “Burglary” includes, where possible, theft from a house, appartment or other dwelling place, factory, shop or office, military establishment, or by use of false keys. It excludes theft from a car, container, vending machine, parking meter, and from a fenced meadow or compound. 

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) regularly provides global statistical series on crime, criminal justice, drug trafficking and prices, drug production, and drug use. Data produced by UNODC have multiple sources. Member States regularly submit to UNODC statistics on drugs (through the Annual Report Questionnaire) and crime and criminal justice (through the annual Survey on Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems). Other data are collected through national surveys implemented by UNODC in cooperation with national governments or are compiled from scientific literature. UNODC also applies scientific methods to maximize the comparability of the data and to estimate regional and global statistics.

UNODC develops a number of statistical standards and recommendations in the fields of crime, criminal justice and illicit drugs in collaboration with national experts and relevant international organizations. The objective is to enhance the comparability of statistics at the international level and to support country-level efforts to produce national statistics on drugs, crime and criminal justice.

Source: UNODC International Burglary, Car Theft and Housebreaking Statistics, 2015

Homicide    Burglary     Motor Vehicle Theft    Housebreaking    Assault    Kidnapping    Robbery    Sexual Offences    Rape    Total Sexual Violence

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