Children in Liechtenstein

Gender Not in Education Primary Education (% in 2014)
Male 2.85 WB
Female 1.83 WB
Education Level Basic Education
Primary Education Not in Education 0.82 % in 2021 WB
Education Indicators
Not in Education Primary Education 0.82 % in 2021 WB
Europe (numbers in 2020)
Albania 327 WB + 1 other
Andorra 1 WB + 1 other
Austria 322 WB + 1 other
Belarus 319 WB + 1 other
Belgium 526 WB + 1 other
Bosnia and Herzegovina 150 WB + 1 other
Bulgaria 380 WB + 1 other
Croatia 164 WB + 1 other
Czech Republic 319 WB + 1 other
Denmark 226 WB + 1 other
Estonia 29 WB + 1 other
Finland 116 WB + 1 other
France 3,164 WB + 1 other
Germany 2,864 WB + 1 other
Greece 318 WB + 1 other
Hungary 369 WB + 1 other
Iceland 8 WB + 1 other
Ireland 183 WB + 1 other
Italy 1,298 WB + 1 other
Latvia 80 WB + 1 other
Liechtenstein Not in Education Primary Education 6 timeseries
Lithuania 93 WB + 1 other
Luxembourg 18 WB + 1 other
Malta 28 WB + 1 other
Monaco 1 WB + 1 other
Montenegro 17 WB + 1 other
Netherlands 718 WB + 1 other
North Macedonia 131 WB + 1 other
Norway 131 WB + 1 other
Poland 1,594 WB + 1 other
Portugal 262 WB + 1 other
Republic of Moldova 578 WB + 1 other
Romania 1,281 WB + 1 other
Russian Federation 9,742 WB + 1 other
San Marino 0 WB + 1 other
Serbia 462 WB + 1 other
Slovakia 323 WB + 1 other
Slovenia 43 WB + 1 other
Spain 1,255 WB + 1 other
Sweden 314 WB + 1 other
Switzerland 353 WB + 1 other
Ukraine 3,295 WB + 1 other
United Kingdom 3,253 WB + 1 other
Demographics Age (%)
Adult Labor Force Participation Rate 3 timeseries
Children Not in Education Primary Education 6 timeseries
Dependency Ratio 51.12 in 2022 WB
Old 19.36 in 2022 WB + 1 other
Youth 46.73 in 2015 WB