The Policy Potential Index (PPI) is a composite index, measuring the overall policy attractiveness of the 96 jurisdictions in the survey. The index is composed of survey responses to 15 policy factors that affect investment decisions. The PPI is normalized to a maximum score of 100. Finland had the highest PPI score of 95.5. Along with Finland, the top 10 ranked jurisdictions are Sweden, Alberta, New Brunswick, Wyoming, Ireland, Nevada, Yukon, Utah, and Norway. All were in the top 10 last year except for Utah and Norway. Yukon was the first Canadian territory to make the top 10 in 2011/2012. Both Quebec and Saskatchewan fell out of the top 10 in 2012/2013. Chile, which had previously been the only jurisdiction outside North America consistently in the top 10 over the life of the survey, has continued to fall in the rankings to 23rd place in this survey. Norway rose to 10th in the rankings from 24th in 2011/2012, and Sweden and Finland have now been in the top 10 for the last three and four years, respectively.

Source: FRASER

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