Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The mission of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to provide reliable, comprehensible, high quality, timely and internationally comparable statistical data that will meet the needs of decision-makers, researchers and other national and international users and will reflect the status and changes in the economic, demographic and social domain, environment and natural resources. Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of the statistical data is done based on statistical standards and modern technologies, while protecting statistical confidentiality, and providing of the optimal use of resources and providing for the reasonable burdening of data providers.

Todos los conjuntos de datos: C
  • C
    • abril 2022
      Fuente: Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
      Subido por: Pallavi Shekar
      Acceso el: 06 septiembre, 2022
      Seleccionar base de datos
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