Kathmandu - Ratio of girls to boys in primary education

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Literacy rate of 15-24 years, Literacy rate of 15-24 years, Male, Literacy rate of 15-24 years, Female, Literacy rates of population 15 + years, Literacy rates of population 15 + years, Male, Literacy rates of population 15 + years, Female, Number of recorded schools, Number of recorded schools, Primary, Number of recorded schools, Secondary, Net Enrolment Ratio, primary education, Net Enrolment Ratio, primary education, Male, Net Enrolment Ratio, primary education, Female, Net Enrolment Ratio, Secondary school, Net Enrolment Ratio, Secondary school, Male, Net Enrolment Ratio, Secondary school, Female, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Primary school, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Primary school, Male, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Primary school, Female, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary school, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary school, Male, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary school, Female, Trained teacher in primary school, Trained teacher in primary school, Male, Trained teacher in primary school, Female, Ratio of female teachers to male teachers in primary education, Ratio of female teachers to male teachers, secondary education, Ratio of girls to boys in secondary education, Ratio of literate female to literate male 6 years & above, Student teacher ratio in primary education, Student teacher ratio in secondary education, Ratio of literate women to men of 15-24 years, Number of students in Grade 1-5, Number of students in Grade 6-8, Number of students in Grade 9-10, Number of students in Grade 11-12