
  • Monarca:Felipe VI
  • Primer Ministro:Pedro Sanchez
  • Capital:Madrid
  • Idiomas:Castilian Spanish (official nationwide) 74%, Catalan (official in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and the Valencian Community (where it is known as Valencian)) 17%, Galician (official in Galicia) 7%, Basque (official in the Basque Country and in the Basque-speaking area of Navarre) 2%, Aranese (official in the northwest corner of Catalonia (Vall d'Aran) along with Catalan; <5,000 speakers) note: Aragonese, Aranese Asturian, Basque, Calo, Catalan, Galician, and Valencian are recognized as regional languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
  • Gobierno
  • Instituto Nacional de Estadística
  • Población, personas:47.498.206 (2024)
  • Área, km2:499.733
  • PIB per cápita, US$:29.675 (2022)
  • PIB, mil millones US$:1.417,8 (2022)
  • Índice de GINI:33,9 (2021)
  • Ranking de Facilidad para Hacer Negocios:31

Todos los conjuntos de datos: N
  • N
    • agosto 2023
      Fuente: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 31 agosto, 2023
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      The indicator reports the nutrient balance of nitrogen and phosphorus – the difference between the quantity of nutrient inputs entering an agricultural system and the quantity of nutrient outputs leaving this system – for exports of nine cereal and oilseed (hence excluding pasture) as a share of the total nutrient balance for 21 countries in years 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2014. Grains covered by this indicator are wheat, maize, barley, sorghum, oats, rice soybeans, sunflower seed and rapeseed.