
  • Población, personas:11.185.101 (2024)
  • Área, km2:103.800
  • PIB per cápita, US$:9.500 (2020)
  • PIB, mil millones US$:107,4 (2020)
  • Índice de GINI:No data
  • Ranking de Facilidad para Hacer Negocios:No data

Todos los conjuntos de datos: C R
  • C
    • noviembre 2018
      Fuente: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 05 diciembre, 2018
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      The Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (GBD 2017), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for 195 countries and territories, and at the subnational level for a subset of countries.
  • R
    • julio 2023
      Fuente: Refugee Processing Center
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 01 agosto, 2023
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      Data cited at: Refugee Processing Center   FY - Fiscal Years have been used (since October until September). Data for 2017 include the last available values.  The Refugee Processing Center (RPC) is operated by the U.S Department of State (DOS) Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in the Rosslyn section of Arlington, Virginia USA.  At the RPC and at Resettlement Support Centers (RSCs), an interactive computer system called the Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System (WRAPS) is used to process and track the movement of refugees from various countries around the world to the U.S. for resettlement under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Fiscal years 2008 through 2019 as of june 30,2019. . Fiscal Years 2008 through 2019 as of june 30,2019. >> Annual data is Fiscal year data and October is the year starting