The 2nd Investing in Africa Forum (IAF), organized by the Government of Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China, China Development Bank and the World Bank Group, aims to promote experience sharing between China and Africa and build accelerated investment in Africa. Under this overarching goal, the IAF will address five themes; agriculture and agribusiness; cooperation to expand capacity in manufacturing and industrialization; infrastructure development, regional connectivity and renewable energy; skills development, vocational training and job creation; and trade and tourism. The Forum will be predominantly forward-looking and results-oriented, and will showcase a number of projects in Africa with committed or prospective investments from China as well as Guangdong Province. The IAF will bring together about 300 people from the government and the private sector in African countries and China, as well as international and continental institutions, development partners, and think tanks, to share experiences and explore opportunities to accelerate investment in Africa.


Event Holder: World Bank

Source of data: IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO), April 2016World Development Indicators (WDI), July 2016Africa's Infrastructure: National DataNational Accounts Main Aggregates Database, 1970-2014

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