World Trade Organization global trade statistics for textile exports and imports by country through 2016 reveal the following: 

  • China, India and Germany remain the leading countries in the textiles industry globally.
  • Since 2000, China, with nearly 30 percent of the global market share and a market value in excess of $100 billion, dominates the textile export market.
  • Among textile importers, the United States has been the lead importer for nearly two decades.


World Trade Rankings
World Commodity Trade Ranking | World Services Trade Ranking

Country Export Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda

Country Import Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda

Commodity Trade Profiles
Agricultural Products | Fuels | Iron and Steel | Chemicals | Pharmaceuticals | Machinery and Equipment | Textile | Clothing


Sources: Foreign Trade

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