The International Water Resource Economics Consortium (IWREC) was established in the early 1990’s with the goal of forming a platform for water economists that would promote economic work on water resources, exchange of information and research findings, initiate joint research, disseminate individual and joint work, and create a core of experienced teachers that may provide support for training and short courses, both at the academic and policy levels.

The 13th Annual Meeting of the International Water Resource Economics Consortium (IWREC) will be hosted at the University of Waterloo, as part of the 4th  Water Research Conference “The Role of Water Technology Innovation in the Blue Economy”.  Deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 10, 2017. Abstracts can be submitted here: When submitting your abstract for IWREC, simply tick the box ‘IWREC contribution’.

Date of Event: 10-13 September 2017

Event Holder: the World Bank

Venue: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Source of data: World Development Indicators

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