Lockheed Martin, based in U.S. state of Maryland, is world’s largest arms company in terms of sales value. The company manufactures aircraft, radar systems, drones and even components for spacecraft for the US military and foreign states. Its most famous products include the F-16 fighter plane and the Hercules transport plane. The Company sold US$ 44.9 billion of arms in 2017.

Boeing, based in US, is world’s second largest arms company. The company is famous for its line of passenger aircrafts. The Boeing made US$ 26.9 billion of arms sales in 2017.

Raytheon is world’s fourth largest and third largest in U.S. is primary produces missiles and weapons systems for aircraft and naval vessels. The sales value of arms was US$ 23.8 billion in 2017, whereas total sales was at US$ 25.3 billion.

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