Talent, not capital, will be the key factor linking innovation, competitiveness and growth in the 21st century, and we must each understand better the global talent value chain. Better data and metrics are critical to this understanding. The Human Capital Index quantifies how countries are developing and deploying their human capital and tracks progress over time. This Report provides comprehensive information on the talent base in each country, including information on education levels of the employed, unemployed and the inactive members of the population as well as the specific qualifications of the latest entrants to the workforce.

The Human Capital Index measures countries’ ability to maximize and leverage their human capital endowment. The index assesses Learning and Employment  outcomes across 5 distinct age groups, on a scale from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), and assesses 124 economies. 

To estimare the index score 4 pillars are took into account: a) Education (Access, Quality, Attainment), b) Health and Wellness (Survival, Health, Well-being, Sevices), c) Workforce and Employment (Perticapation, Talent, Training), d) Enabling Environment (Infrastructure, Collaboration, Legal Framework, Social Mobility) 

The Methodology is avaliable on World Economic Forum Portal

Too see all data please visit: The Human Capital Report, 2015

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