
  • Presidente:Alberto Fernández
  • Vicepresidente:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
  • Capital:Buenos Aires
  • Idiomas:Spanish (official), Italian, English, German, French, indigenous (Mapudungun, Quechua)
  • Gobierno
  • Instituto Nacional de Estadística
  • Población, personas:45.917.069 (2024)
  • Área, km2:2.736.690
  • PIB per cápita, US$:13.651 (2022)
  • PIB, mil millones US$:631,1 (2022)
  • Índice de GINI:40,7 (2022)
  • Ranking de Facilidad para Hacer Negocios:126

Todos los conjuntos de datos: S
  • S
    • mayo 2022
      Fuente: Scimago Institutions Rankings
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 24 mayo, 2022
      Seleccionar base de datos
      Restrictions apply:   Citation: SCImago, (n.d.). SJR — SCImago Journal & Country Rank [Portal]. Retrieved Date you Retrieve, from   SCImago Journal Rank: It expresses the average number of weighted citations received in the selected year by the documents published in the selected journal in the three previous years, --i.e. weighted citations received in year X to documents published in the journal in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. H Index: The h index expresses the journal's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both journal scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, countries, etc. Total Documents: Output of the selected period. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents. Total Cites (3years): Number of citations received in the seleted year by a journal to the documents published in the three previous years, --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. All types of documents are considered. Self Cites: Number of journal's self-citations in the selected year to its own documents published in the three previous years, --i.e. self-citations in year X to documents published in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. All types of documents are considered. Cited Documents: Number of documents cited at least once in the three previous years, --i.e. years X-1, X-2 and X-3 Cites per Document (2 years): Average citations per document in a 2 year period. It is computed considering the number of citations received by a journal in the current year to the documents published in the two previous years, --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in years X-1 and X-2.