World Steel Association

The World Steel Association (worldsteel) is a non-profit organisation with headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. A second office in Beijing, China, opened in April 2006. Worldsteel represents over 160 steel producers (including 9 of the world's 10 largest steel companies), national and regional steel industry associations, and steel research institutes. Worldsteel members cover around 85% of world steel production.

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    • febrero 2025
      Fuente: World Steel Association
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 26 febrero, 2025
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      Note: Worldsteel's Steel Statistical Yearbook for 2019 and 2020 are concise version World steel's Steel Statistical Yearbook presents a cross-section of steel industry statistics. It contains comprehensive statistics from 2008 to 2022 on crude steel production by country and process, steel production by product, steel trade by product, apparent steel use and apparent steel use per capita by country, as well as production and trade of pig iron and directly reduced iron. It also includes data on production and trade of iron ore and trade of scrap.  of steel and true steel use. The statistics were collected from members of world steel and various international organizations.