Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland (Finnish: Tilastokeskus, Swedish: Statistikcentralen) is the national statistical institution in Finland, established in 1865 to serve as an information service and to provide statistics and expertise in the statistical sciences. The institution employs more than 1,000 experts from varying fields.

Todos los conjuntos de datos: C F O
  • C
    • marzo 2023
      Fuente: Statistics Finland
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 31 marzo, 2023
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      Starting from 1750 Population statistics have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service: Publications on Population structure and Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) --- Description of statistic Quality descriptions Concepts and definitionsRegionThese statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2019 to the whole time series.NationalityCountries (ISO 3166). The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. In the classification of continents, Europe does not include the figures for Finland. Non-autonomous states are combined with the mother country. Czech Republic = Czech Republic + Former Czechoslovakia Sudan = Sudan + Former Sudan If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, he/she will be included in statistics as a Finnish national. --- HDI = Human Development Index Ranking according to the 2016 HDI index by country: The former Soviet Union is included in the Russia HDI category The former Czechoslovakia is included in the Czech Republic HDI category The former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are included in the Serbia HDI categoryAgeAge refers to a person's age in whole years as at 31 December.InformationPopulation 31 DecPopulation at the end of the statistical reference period.
    • marzo 2023
      Fuente: Statistics Finland
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 31 marzo, 2023
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      ... confidentialFor reasons of privacy protection, cells with less than 10 cases of citizenship by municipality have been marked with three dots. Starting from 1750 Population statistics have been digitized into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service: Publications on Population structure and Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) --- Description of statistic Quality descriptions Concepts and definitionsAreaThese statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2019 to the whole time series. Data for merged municipalities have been combined. Partial municipal mergers have not been taken into account in the years preceding the merger.NationalityCountries (ISO 3166). The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. In the classification of continents, Europe does not include the figures for Finland. Non-autonomous states are combined with the mother country. Czech Republic = Czech Republic + Former Czechoslovakia Sudan = Sudan + Former Sudan If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, he/she will be included in statistics as a Finnish national. --- HDI = Human Development Index Ranking according to the 2016 HDI index by country: The former Soviet Union is included in the Russia HDI category The former Czechoslovakia is included in the Czech Republic HDI category The former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are included in the Serbia HDI categoryInformationPopulation 31 DecPopulation at the end of the statistical reference period.
  • F
    • marzo 2023
      Fuente: Statistics Finland
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 31 marzo, 2023
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      Starting from 1750 Population statistics have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service: Publications on Population structure and Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) --- Description of statistic Quality descriptions Concepts and definitionsSecond nationalityCountries (ISO 3166). The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. In the classification of continents, Europe does not include the figures for Finland. Non-autonomous states are combined with the mother country. Czech Republic = Czech Republic + Former Czechoslovakia Sudan = Sudan + Former Sudan If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, Finnish is as his/her first nationality in statistics. --- HDI = Human Development Index Ranking according to the 2016 HDI index by country: The former Soviet Union is included in the Russia HDI category The former Czechoslovakia is included in the Czech Republic HDI category The former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are included in the Serbia HDI categoryAgeAge refers to a person's age in whole years as at 31 December.InformationFinnish citizens with dual nationalityFinnish citizens with dual nationality who are included in the Finnish population on 31 December
  • O
    • marzo 2022
      Fuente: Statistics Finland
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 17 junio, 2022
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      Description of statistical Quality descriptions Concepts and definitions... confidentialAreaThese statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2019 to the whole time series. Data for merged municipalities have been combined. Partial municipal mergers have not been taken into account in the years preceding the merger.Background countryThe origin and background country data are explained in the Concepts webpage, see link. Countries (ISO 3166). The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. In the classification of continents, Europe does not include the figures for Finland. Non-autonomous states are combined with the mother country. Sudan = Sudan + Former Sudan --- HDI = Human Development Index Ranking according to the 2016 HDI index by country: The former Soviet Union is included in the Russia HDI category The former Czechoslovakia is included in the Czech Republic HDI category The former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are included in the Serbia HDI categoryInformationPopulation 31 DecPopulation at the end of the statistical reference period.