Federal Association of German Steel Recycling and Disposal Companies

The BDSV is the steel scrap association in Germany and Europe. In an outstanding way, BDSV represent the interests of the smallest and very large companies in the steel recycling industry.

Todos los conjuntos de datos: A
  • A
    • enero 2025
      Fuente: Federal Association of German Steel Recycling and Disposal Companies
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 14 enero, 2025
      Seleccionar base de datos
      Data cited at: Federal Association of German Steel Recycling and Disposal Companies -  https://www.bdsv.org/unser-service/markt-preise/ (1) Notifications of member companies of the BDSV (Federal Association of German Steel Recycling and Disposal Companies) of prices and quantities sent to a neutral reporting office (Secure Calc reporting system / MOMIT). MOMIT acts exclusively on behalf of BDSV, is only responsible for the technical implementation and assumes no liability / warranty. The reporting period is from the 1st to the 20th of the current month. The prices to be reported are only ex-station prices (warehouse sales prices - free wagon, free truck or free ship loaded from place). The prices for the Neuschrottsorten 2 and 8 are recorded together in our system. The BDSV price determination system has been noted by the Bundeskartellamt.