The Africa Information Highway

The Africa Information Highway (AIH) was developed by the Statistics Department of AfDB as part of the Bank’s statistical capacity building program (SCB) in Africa. AIH is a mega network of live open data platforms (ODPs) electronically linking all African countries and 16 regional organizations. The overall objective is to significantly increase public access to official and other statistics across Africa, while at the same time supporting African countries to improve data quality, management, and dissemination.

Todos los conjuntos de datos: A C M P
  • A
    • marzo 2023
      Fuente: The Africa Information Highway
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 19 mayo, 2023
      Seleccionar base de datos
      Data cited at: The African Development Bank: The Africa Infrastructure Development Index (AIDI): The Africa Infrastructure Development Index (AIDI) is produced by the African Development Bank. The AIDI serves a number of key objectives, principally: (i) to monitor and evaluate the status and progress of infrastructure development across the continent; (ii) to assist in resource allocation within the framework of ADF replenishments; and (iii) to contribute to policy dialogue within the Bank and between the Bank, RMCs and other development organizations.
    • diciembre 2011
      Fuente: The Africa Information Highway
      Subido por: Knoema
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      Data cited at: The African Development Bank: Africa Millennium Development Goals: Africa Millennium Development Goals
    • diciembre 2011
      Fuente: The Africa Information Highway
      Subido por: Knoema
      Seleccionar base de datos
      Data cited at: The African Development Bank: African Development Bank, Food Security: African Development Bank, Food Security
  • C
    • marzo 2022
      Fuente: The Africa Information Highway
      Subido por: Knoema
      Acceso el: 11 julio, 2022
      Seleccionar base de datos
      Data cited at: This Dataset describes the list of common indicators from census datasets of African countries.
  • M
  • P