Environment domain of statistics covers such essential topics as air and water pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases and climate change, biodiversity and protected areas, forestry and agricultural environmental performance, use of fertilizers, environmental protection expenditure, waste management and others. On this page you can find relevant data on all the topics mentioned above which is provided by reliable sources including UN, OECD, Eurostat, Earth Policy Institute, PBL, EDGAR etc. By looking through ready-made dashboards or by creating your own ones on the basis of available datasets investigate global environmental trends. For example you may find that global CO2 emissions increased by 37 times during the last 100 years, through the same period global temperature deviations from 1951-1980 average were constantly rising to reach a peak of +0.65 degrees Celsius in 2005, as of 2012, Switzerland has the strongest environmental performance in the world according to the Environmental Performance Index. These and many other tendencies of the global environment can be easily accessed through the presented page.

See also: Agriculture | Commodities | Demographics | Economics | Education | Energy | Environment | Exchange Rates | Food Security | Foreign Trade | Healthcare | Land Use | Poverty | Research and Development | Telecommunication | Tourism | Transportation | Water | World Rankings

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