The Global Conference on Inland Fisheries will take a global, multidisciplinary approach to the freshwater nexus of issues, with a focus on fish and fisheries in food security, livelihoods, and aquatic ecosystems. The conference seeks to raise the profile of inland fisheries so that their role in “blue growth” is better understood and may be better incorporated into agricultural, industrial, recreational, and urban land use and water resource planning through the development of improved assessment frameworks and value estimation. The conference is organized into four themes: Biological Assessment, Economic and Social Assessment, Drivers and Synergies, and Policy and Governance. Approximately 150 oral and poster presentations by authors from 43 nations are planned. Interactive discussion will be a major component of the conference, with the meeting culminating in sessions to draft recommendations for inland fisheries policy statements. 

 The event holder is Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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