Every year Transparency International - the global coalition against corruption publishes Corruption Perception Index in countries around the world. Denmark and New Zealand top again with "very clean" scores over 90/100. The main reason of countries' success is strong inland corruption control.

Let's remind some basic facts about the index:

  • CPI is a business measure, addressed primarily to media and other expert people. Ordinary people are not really counted in, nor much affected by references.
  • CPI pertains exclusively to public sector corruption, leaving aside whatever happens amids private settings.
  • Up until 2012, the way CPI was constructed implied country's ranks could not be compared across time.
  • CPI methodology used 12 different data sources from 11 different institutions (one less than in 2013), and a minimum of three sources is required for a country to be included in the index.

Source: Corruption Perceptions Index

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