Now in its fifth edition, the Mozambique Gas Summit & Exhibition is recognized as the leading strategic meeting for Mozambique’s Gas industry. Working in partnership with ENH, and with the unrivaled support of MIREME, INP and CMH the event is a unique platform where Government representatives meet with industry stakeholders to drive forward the exciting hydrocarbons sector in the country.

The event addresses the entire gas and LNG value chain, starting with a dedicated National Content Day, followed by two days of strategic panel discussions and an international exhibition running alongside it, showcasing services and technologies.

In 2018, the event features an increased focus on interactivity with extra panel discussions, brand new Roundtable sessions and the Outstanding Women Forum; bringing delegates more opportunities for dynamic participation and networking with colleagues and Government alike.


Date of Event: 31 October - 2 November 2018

Location: Maputo, Mozambique

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