Capital Investment as a share of total investment

7,3 (%) en 2019

The share of Travel & Tourism spending or employment in the equivalent economy-wide concept in the published national income accounts or labour market statistics. Visitor exports are compared with exports of all goods and services Domestic Travel & Tourism spending is compared with GDP Government individual Travel & Tourism spending is compared with total government spending Internal Travel & Tourism consumption is compared with total internal consumption (i.e. total domestic spending plus total export) Leisure Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP is compared with total GDP Business Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP is compared with total GDP Travel & Tourism capital investment spending is compared with all fixed investment spending

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2019 7,3 7,93 %
2018 6,8 4,37 %
2017 6,5 -23,44 %
2016 8,5 15,02 %
2015 7,4 -3,39 %
2014 7,6 18,55 %
2013 6,4 0,95 %
2012 6,4 -20,85 %
2011 8,0 27,32 %
2010 6,3 -24,56 %
2009 8,4 36,71 %
2008 6,1