Tasa de mortalidad materna (estimada)

27,0 (por cada 100000 nacidos vivos) en 2020

Maternal mortality ratio is the number of women who die during pregnancy and childbirth, per 100,000 live births. The data are estimated with a regression model using information on fertility, birth attendants, and HIV prevalence.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2020 27,0 3,85 %
2019 26,0 -7,14 %
2018 28,0 0,00 %
2017 28,0 -3,45 %
2016 29,0 -6,45 %
2015 31,0 -11,43 %
2014 35,0 -5,41 %
2013 37,0 -9,76 %
2012 41,0 -6,82 %
2011 44,0 -6,38 %
2010 47,0 4,44 %
2009 45,0