Value added in wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels in constant LCU prices of 2015

369.509.921.971 (valor, UML) en 2023

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2023 369.509.921.971 9,17 %
2022 338.469.270.375 5,19 %
2021 321.779.504.270 4,64 %
2020 307.498.000.000 9,32 %
2019 -4,63 %
2018 294.937.000.000 -0,62 %
2017 296.768.000.000 0,90 %
2016 -5,38 %
2015 310.874.000.000 1,80 %
2014 305.381.000.000 -3,44 %
2013 316.265.000.000 8,48 %
2012 291.552.000.000