Transporte aéreo, salidas por transportistas registrados al mundo

70.558 (número) en 2021

Registered carrier departures worldwide are domestic takeoffs and takeoffs abroad of air carriers registered in the country.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2021 70.558 66,43 %
2020 42.396 -70,00 %
2019 141.311 0,20 %
2018 141.025 7,82 %
2017 130.792 0,70 %
2016 129.880 0,07 %
2015 129.786 10,17 %
2014 117.800 1,71 %
2013 115.817 9,09 %
2012 106.167 6,03 %
2011 100.131 18,63 %
2010 84.408