Riesgo de defunción materna a lo largo de la vida

0,2 (%) en 2020

Life time risk of maternal death is the probability that a 15-year-old female will die eventually from a maternal cause assuming that current levels of fertility and mortality (including maternal mortality) do not change in the future, taking into account competing causes of death.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2020 0,2 1,79 %
2019 0,2 0,21 %
2018 0,2 1,61 %
2017 0,2 -0,20 %
2016 0,2 -23,48 %
2015 0,2 17,29 %
2014 0,2 -4,92 %
2013 0,2 -4,93 %
2012 0,2 -23,24 %
2011 0,3 -1,89 %
2010 0,3 -3,34 %
2009 0,3