Exportaciones de bienes y servicios (BoP, US$ actual)

31.625.293.254.926 (Dólares estadounidenses) en 2022

Exports of goods and services comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from residents to nonresidents of general merchandise, net exports of goods under merchanting, nonmonetary gold, and services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2022 31.625.293.254.926 11,57 %
2021 28.346.864.626.893 25,23 %
2020 22.635.045.829.883 -9,66 %
2019 -1,31 %
2018 25.388.888.435.478 9,79 %
2017 23.123.922.999.212 10,45 %
2016 20.935.817.885.028 -1,85 %
2015 21.330.685.227.594 -11,06 %
2014 23.982.599.970.883 1,55 %
2013 23.616.806.473.304 3,13 %
2012 22.899.234.849.663 1,41 %
2011 22.580.384.137.790