Consumo de Gas Natural Seco

29,05 (billion cubic feet) en 2023

Dry Natural gas is the gas which remains after: 1) the liquefiable hydrocarbon portion has been removed from the gas stream (i.e., gas after lease, field, and/or plant separation); and 2) any volumes of nonhydrocarbon gases have been removed where they occur in sufficient quantity to render the gas unmarketable. Dry natural gas is also known as consumer-grade natural gas.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2023 29,05 23,72 %
2022 23,48 -6,49 %
2021 25,11 2,53 %
2020 24,49 117,95 %
2019 11,24 34,20 %
2018 8,37 20,29 %
2017 6,96 1.045,50 %
2016 0,61
2015 0,00
2014 0,00
2013 0,00
2012 0,00