Comercio neto de bienes (BoP, corriente US$)

91.986.750.968 (Dólares estadounidenses) en 2023

Net trade in goods is the difference between exports and imports of goods. Trade in services is not included. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2023 91.986.750.968 58,57 %
2022 58.009.413.259 -24,53 %
2021 76.865.707.527 8,36 %
2020 70.935.071.924 -0,81 %
2019 71.512.342.643 -20,98 %
2018 90.498.213.735 6,68 %
2017 84.828.035.137 8,11 %
2016 78.466.922.651 4,35 %
2015 75.193.772.396 -13,29 %
2014 86.720.583.307 -0,57 %
2013 87.218.850.538 10,81 %
2012 78.708.158.881