Carne Bovina

4 (thousand tonnes) en 2022

Default composition: 867 Cattle meat, 870 Meat-CattleBoneless(Beef and Veal), 872 Meat of Beef,Drd, Sltd,Smkd, 873 Meat Extracts, 874 Sausage Beef and Veal, 875 Preparations of Beef Meat, 876 Beef canned, 877 Homogen.Meat Prp., 947 Buffalo meat

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2022 4 -50,00 %
2021 8 -20,00 %
2020 10 0,00 %
2019 10 25,00 %
2018 8 33,33 %
2017 6 -14,29 %
2016 7 -12,50 %
2015 8 -38,46 %
2014 13 160,00 %
2013 5 25,00 %
2012 4 0,00 %
2011 4