Producción de Combustible de Etanol

0,00 (Miles de Barriles Por Día) en 2019

Fuel ethanol is the ethanol intended for fuel use. In the U. S. fuel ethanol must be anhydrous (less than 1 percent water). Fuel ethanol is denatured (made unfit for human consumption), usually prior to transport from the ethanol production facility, by adding 2 to 5 volume percent petroleum, typically pentanes plus or conventional motor gasoline. fuel ethanol is used principally for blending in low concentrations with motor gasoline as an oxygenate or octane enhancer. In high concentrations, it is used to fuel alternative-fuel vehicles specially designed for its use

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2019 0,00
2018 0,00
2017 0,00
2016 0,00
2015 0,00
2014 0,00
2013 0,00
2012 0,00
2011 0,00
2010 0,00
2009 0,00 -100,00 %
2008 4,60