Reservas totales menos el oro (corriente US$)

3.345.767.659 (Dólares estadounidenses) en 2021

Total reserves minus gold comprise special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities. Gold holdings are excluded. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2021 3.345.767.659 11,55 %
2020 2.999.443.127 -31,50 %
2019 4.378.651.103 24,67 %
2018 3.512.277.016 0,06 %
2017 3.510.079.661 10,11 %
2016 3.187.788.700 16,35 %
2015 2.739.835.136 12,74 %
2014 2.430.270.623 -1,85 %
2013 2.476.175.226 -11,72 %
2012 2.804.923.320 30,37 %
2011 2.151.456.412 -16,23 %
2010 2.568.208.189