Precios de la gasolina

0,93 (US$/litro) en 2016

Fuel prices refer to the pump prices of the most widely sold grade of gasoline. Prices have been converted from the local currency to U.S. dollars.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2016 0,93 -34,51 %
2014 1,42 -5,96 %
2012 1,51 -10,12 %
2010 1,68 26,32 %
2008 1,33 10,83 %
2006 1,20 5,26 %
2004 1,14 34,12 %
2002 0,85 11,84 %
2000 0,76 2,70 %
1998 0,74 -10,84 %
1995 0,83 -32,52 %
1992 1,23