Recibos de ingresos primarios (BoP, corriente US$)

646.286.911 (Dólares estadounidenses) en 2022

Income receipts refer to employee compensation paid to resident workers working abroad and investment income (receipts on direct investment, portfolio investment, other investments, and receipts on reserve assets). Income derived from the use of intangible assets is excluded.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2022 646.286.911 19,02 %
2021 543.010.110 35,89 %
2020 399.606.090 4,64 %
2019 381.873.651 9,09 %
2018 350.045.551 17,82 %
2017 297.093.197 5,46 %
2016 281.699.221 24,75 %
2015 225.818.620 -4,45 %
2014 236.343.853 14,01 %
2013 207.293.713 -0,20 %
2012 207.707.783 -0,08 %
2011 207.879.545