Abonados a internet fija por cada 100 habitantes

0,1 (por cada 100 habitantes) en 2019

The number of total Internet subscriptions with fixed (wired) Internet access, which includes dial-up and total fixed (wired) broadband subscriptions. Only active subscriptions that have used the system within the past 3 months should be included

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2019 0,1 -29,34 %
2018 0,2 -8,94 %
2017 0,2 -1,65 %
2016 0,2 -0,21 %
2015 0,2 -1,27 %
2014 0,2 18,90 %
2013 0,2 2,93 %
2012 0,2 200,88 %
2011 0,1 18,68 %
2010 0,0 386,60 %
2009 0,0 -41,43 %
2008 0,0