Otras tierras

197.536 (1000 ha) en 2022

Other land is the land not classified as Agricultural land and Forest area. It includes built-up and related land, barren land, other wooded land, etc.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2022 197.536 -0,89 %
2021 199.315 -0,89 %
2020 201.097 -0,88 %
2019 202.881 -0,55 %
2018 204.009 -0,55 %
2017 205.133 -0,55 %
2016 206.260 -0,68 %
2015 207.670 -0,57 %
2014 208.852 -0,56 %
2013 210.036 -0,56 %
2012 211.217 -0,56 %
2011 212.396