Average wage of Employed Persons by ownership type: Collective-owned

89.475 (Yuan) en 2021

Average Wage refers to the average per capita wage in money terms during a certain period of time for employed persons. It shows the general level of wage income of staff and worker during a certain period of time, one major indicator to reflect the wage level. It is calculated as follows: average wage = total wage bill of employed persons at reference time / averaged number of persons employed at reference time. This indicator includes average wage of employed persons only in urban units.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2021 89.475 1,60 %
2020 88.066 7,15 %
2019 82.188 4,99 %
2018 78.282 15,40 %
2017 67.837 10,24 %
2016 61.533 7,57 %
2015 57.202 6,39 %
2014 53.766 5,56 %
2013 50.932 12,32 %
2012 45.344 21,30 %
2011 37.382 27,64 %
2010 29.287