Transporte aéreo, pasajeros transportados

76.354,1 (número) en 2021

Air passengers carried include both domestic and international aircraft passengers of air carriers registered in the country.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2021 76.354,1 -66,31 %
2020 226.645,7 -66,45 %
2019 675.482,0 20,20 %
2018 561.944,0 66,89 %
2017 336.718,0 -40,49 %
2016 565.810,0 3,08 %
2015 548.908,0 -7,01 %
2014 590.304,0 -1,62 %
2013 600.000,0 0,34 %
2012 597.982,6 -3,61 %
2011 620.394,8 8,74 %
2010 570.553,0