Carne de Ave

10.134 (thousand tonnes) en 2022

Default composition: 1058 Chicken meat, 1060 Fat Liver Prep (Foie Gras), 1061 Meat of Chicken Canned, 1069 Duck meat, 1073 Goose and guinea fowl meat, 1080 Turkey meat

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2022 10.134 0,05 %
2021 10.129 -1,79 %
2020 10.314 3,64 %
2019 9.952 -0,60 %
2018 10.012 1,11 %
2017 9.902 4,47 %
2016 9.478 0,07 %
2015 9.471 4,56 %
2014 9.058 5,46 %
2013 8.589 5,80 %
2012 8.118 1,49 %
2011 7.999