
375 (thousand tonnes) en 2020

Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2020 375 -18,30 %
2019 459 21,11 %
2018 379 -16,34 %
2017 453 -22,30 %
2016 583 15,45 %
2015 505 6,77 %
2014 473 9,49 %
2013 432 11,92 %
2012 386 -13,84 %
2011 448 7,69 %
2010 416 5,85 %
2009 393