Incidencia de tuberculosis

164,0 (por cada 100.000 personas) en 2021

Incidence of tuberculosis is the estimated number of new pulmonary, smear positive, and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis cases.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2021 164,0 0,00 %
2020 164,0 0,00 %
2019 164,0 11,56 %
2018 147,0 2,80 %
2017 143,0 -24,74 %
2016 190,0 17,28 %
2015 162,0 -10,50 %
2014 181,0 -2,16 %
2013 185,0 -5,61 %
2012 196,0 -9,26 %
2011 216,0 -6,90 %
2010 232,0