Turismo internacional, gastos (US$ actual)

130.000.000 (Dólares estadounidenses) en 2019

International tourism expenditures are expenditures of international outbound visitors in other countries, including payments to foreign carriers for international transport. These expenditures may include those by residents traveling abroad as same-day visitors, except in cases where these are important enough to justify separate classification. For some countries they do not include expenditures for passenger transport items. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2019 130.000.000 71,05 %
2018 76.000.000 -48,65 %
2017 148.000.000 70,11 %
2016 87.000.000 -38,30 %
2015 141.000.000 160,15 %
2014 54.200.001 37,22 %
2013 39.500.000 -58,85 %
2012 96.000.000 18,52 %
2011 81.000.000 -10,99 %
2010 91.000.000 3,41 %
2009 88.000.000 -13,73 %
2008 102.000.000