
4.700 (thousand tonnes) en 2020

Zea mays Corn, Indian corn, mealies. A grain with a high germ content. At the national level, hybrid and ordinary maize should be reported separately owing to widely different yields and uses. Used largely for animal feed and commercial starch production.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2020 4.700 14,63 %
2019 4.100 17,14 %
2018 3.500 6,90 %
2017 3.274 16,22 %
2016 2.817 8,14 %
2015 2.605 10,33 %
2014 2.361 -6,16 %
2013 2.516 15,52 %
2012 2.178 11,46 %
2011 1.954 25,90 %
2010 1.552 13,28 %
2009 1.370