
82 (1000 ha) en 2020

Zea mays Corn, Indian corn, mealies. A grain with a high germ content. At the national level, hybrid and ordinary maize should be reported separately owing to widely different yields and uses. Used largely for animal feed and commercial starch production.

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2020 82 -1,20 %
2019 83 3,75 %
2018 80 -3,61 %
2017 83 -2,35 %
2016 85 18,06 %
2015 72 -20,88 %
2014 91 -2,15 %
2013 93 -1,06 %
2012 94 0,00 %
2011 94 4,44 %
2010 90 -10,00 %
2009 100