Gasto público en educación (% del PIB)

6,2 (%) en 2021

Public expenditure on education as % of GDP is the total public expenditure (current and capital) on education expressed as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in a given year. Public expenditure on education includes government spending on educational institutions (both public and private), education administration, and transfers/subsidies for private entities (students/households and other privates entities).

Fecha Valor Cambiar , %
2021 6,2 -8,84 %
2020 6,8 7,55 %
2019 6,3 -0,74 %
2018 6,4 -0,69 %
2017 6,4 -0,56 %
2016 6,5 0,16 %
2015 6,5 -2,11 %
2014 6,6 -0,60 %
2013 6,6 5,92 %
2012 6,3 -2,67 %
2011 6,4 -0,16 %
2010 6,4