World Trade Organization provides trade statistics of exports and imports of agricultural products by country up to 2015.

  • In 2014, the world major exporter was the US, exports of agricultural products in this country was $182,2 Billion (it was 10% of world export of agricultural products), rose by almost 128% compared with 2004. 
  • The value of the US agricultural exports grown in 2014 to $156 Billion, but leading import country of agricultural products was China, the volume of  agriculture imports of China exceeded the volume of US imports by 8,4%.


World Trade Rankings
World Commodity Trade Ranking | World Services Trade Ranking

Country Export Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda

Country Import Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda

Commodity Trade Profiles
Agricultural Products
 | Fuels | Iron and Steel | Chemicals | Pharmaceuticals | Machinery and Equipment | Textile | Clothing


Sources: Foreign Trade

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